Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals 

Vitamins and minerals, everybody needs them including your poultry.But the question is do all poultry need vitamin and minerals at all times. Although the local extension office might disagree with me, my poultry only really needs it during the winter months. The reason for this is that I allow my poultry to free range whenever possible. Commercial growers use the vitamin minerals all the time because their poultry are confined and cannot get the vitamins and minerals any other way. 
    I have also found that there are huge price differences between vitamins and minerals with a poultry only label than those that are a general label for all livestock. Vitamin and minerals shown in the photo I actually got with the horse and cow supplies for almost $10 less. I have also found this to be true with other poultry supplies as well. Whenever the product is labeled poultry only it is usually 200% to 300% or more than if I just simply go a couple isles over and look for the same item in the horse and cow livestock supplies. Most of the time the labels will clearly state that it can also be used for poultry. Personally I think suppliers are praying on novice, greenhorn, city Slickers that don't know any better. I know that when I buy my oyster shell in a 50 pound bag that it is usually the same price as a 1 pound bag at Walmart or any other retailer. And as oyster shell will not go bad, even if I have only a small flock the 50 pounds will last the lifetime of the flock. I never by any poultry supplies at Walmart or similar retailers because what they sell is basically for people raising poultry as pets.Although their feed prices can be sometimes be competitive they can also be less likely to be non_GMO. But that is another can of worms altogether.

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